لزقة حماية شاشة ايفون نانو شفاف

لزقة حماية شاشة ايفون نانو شفاف

السعر المخفَّض8 JOD



احمي شاشة هاتفك مع كاتشي جو

  • حماية حواف الشاشة.
  • حافظ على شاشة هاتفك آمنة ومحمية من السقوط العرضي أو الخدوش باستخدام تقنية النانو.
  • يحافظ على هاتفك آمنًا ومحميًا مع صلابة 9H القوية مقاومة للخدش.
  • ملمس فائق النعومة وحساسية شاشة تعمل باللمس لاينافس.


If you've placed your order using cash on delivery (COD), you can cancel your order before we fulfilled your order, please call us on our number: +962799499973 or send an email to: support@catchyjo.net, with your name and order number As soon as possible before the shipment is sent to you.
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If you've placed your order using cash on delivery (COD), you can cancel your order before we fulfilled your order, please call us on our number: +962799499973 or send an email to: support@catchyjo.net, with your name and order number As soon as possible before the shipment is sent to you.
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Secure Payment

You can shop at catchyjo.net with confidence.

We accept cash on delivery (COD)

Also we have partnered with PayTabs, a leading payment gateway since 2014, to accept credit cards and electronic check payments safely and securely for our customers.

Secure Payment

You can shop at catchyjo.net with confidence.

We accept cash on delivery (COD)

Also we have partnered with PayTabs, a leading payment gateway since 2014, to accept credit cards and electronic check payments safely and securely for our customers.

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